Our Tax services include:

Criminal Defense Tax.
• Strategic planning tools incorporated as an innovative tax (Tax Engineering).
• Interpretation and implementation of treaties to avoid international double taxation.
• tax planning with or without legal implementation.
• Implementation legal, creating the necessary structures from the corporate point of view to reach a goal.
• Defense administrative and civil judicial tax.
• Tax advisory preventive.
• Advising family businesses.

We also advise individuals and companies on the acquisition of foreign investment, installation and development of their businesses in Chile and remittances of profits.

We have extensive experience in the areas of tax character that with globalization have gained greater importance, such as "transfer pricing", "nationality problems", "subcapitalizaciones" and "permanent establishment". These issues apply equally to persons or foreign companies wishing to invest in our country, and in turn, for Chilean nationals or companies who want to do business abroad, applying the various agreements to avoid international double taxation.

Our value proposition is to provide a legal, accounting and tax simultaneously.